Can White LED Lights Grow Plants?

Eric St-Cyr | March 09, 2023 | 6 MIN READ

Lighting plays a crucial role in the growth of plants. For years, traditional incandescent light bulbs were used to provide the essential lighting needed for photosynthesis and other plant-growth-related functions. But, with the advent of LED technology, there is now an alternative option. Can this new technological advancement actually help grow plants? The answer may surprise you! In this article, we explain what white LED lights are, their potential benefits for growing plants, and how they compare to traditional bulbs when it comes to providing adequate lighting for healthy plant development.

What Are White LED Lights?

White LED lights are an artificial light source that emits a broad spectrum of visible light when electrically stimulated. White LEDs typically use a combination of red, green and blue chips to produce different tones, while some utilize phosphors to create a “warm white” effect. They are becoming increasingly popular due to their efficiency and long life.

This makes white LED lights ideal for providing adequate illumination while minimizing energy consumption when compared to other types of lighting options like incandescent or halogen bulbs. White LED lights provide full-spectrum coverage which means they offer a wide range of wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared. This allows them to mimic natural sunlight more accurately than other types of lighting including those with only blue or green components. 

Do LED Grow Lights Work?

LED Light Wavelengths And Plant Growth

Blue wavelengths are often associated with promoting leafy green growth in plants. However, yellow light is needed too if you want your plants to grow large flowers or fruit. Combined together, blue and yellow create a more complete spectrum of ‘grow light’ which provides an ideal balance of light for plants. White LEDs consist of both blue spectrums as well as yellow ones, meaning that compared to other forms of lighting, they offer a wider spectrum that allows for better overall plant health.

Advantages Of Using White LED Lights To Grow Plants

LED lights are becoming increasingly popular for growing plants, as they offer many advantages over regular light sources. White LED lights in particular can be beneficial to plants because of the phosphor coating used on them that helps convert some of the energy into light more suitable for photosynthesis.

Energy Efficient 

LED grow lights can save 30 to 50 % energy compared to HID lights. LEDs are more efficient because they’re made for emitting light that's suitable for plant growth, while HIDs have higher utility costs because of their multi-purpose uses. LEDs use half as much power as fluorescent or incandescent bulbs, leading to significant cost savings over time, and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions per bulb.

Last Longer

LEDs not only provide higher efficiency and better temperatures, but they also last much longer than HID bulbs. LEDs can typically last up to 50,000 hours, while HID bulbs have an expected lifespan between 10,000 and 18,000 hours. In terms of longevity and durability, LEDs are the clear winners.

Less Heat Output 

LED grow lights generate less heat, reducing the strain on your air conditioning and utility costs. Moreover, they produce more flowers than HID fixtures with fewer watts of power, ensuring you have healthy crops every time. Efficiency also helps reduce energy waste. A 1000W LED fixture will not emit as much heat as a 1000W HID fixture, because it converts more energy to light instead of heat. This offers savings and additional space for plants.

Provide Full Spectrum Light

LED grow lights provide an incredibly wide spectrum of light, making it easier to sustain plants at all stages during the growth cycle. Furthermore, LED systems can be tailored specifically to different types of crops, providing a customized setup that simplifies the growing process.

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How Do White LED Lights Affect Photosynthesis?

White LED lights have an impressive ability to help with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that plants use to convert light energy into chemical energy and create food for themselves. White LED lights emit far-red waves which can stimulate chlorophyll production and increase photosynthetic activity in plants. The spectrum of white LEDs also allows them to be used as an alternative or supplement to fluorescent lighting during different stages of growth.

Using broad-spectrum LED lights that deliver both blue and red wavelengths means they can effectively replace other forms of artificial lighting like fluorescent bulbs while still providing enough energy for photosynthesis. This makes white LED lights much more efficient than other types of artificial lighting available today.

Types Of Plants That Can Be Grown With White LED Lights

White LED lights can be used to grow a variety of different houseplants – both foliage and flowering varieties. Fluorescent fixtures have long been considered ideal for this purpose but wattage LED fixtures provide more efficient light that is tailored to the needs of various plant species. 

Below are some of the most popular plants to grow under artificial light:

  • Pothos 
  • Spider plant
  • English ivy 
  • Cast iron plant
  • Carrots
  • Parsnips
  • Radishes
  • Parsley 
  • Mint
  • Etc. 

Selecting The Right White LED Lights For Growing Plants

Selecting the right white LED lights for growing plants is a complex task, but it can be made simpler by understanding the growth characteristics of various types of bulbs. The most important factor in determining which bulb to use is chlorophyll peak absorbance points, the wavelengths at which this photosynthetic pigment absorbs light best. Broad spectrum lights that span these peak absorbance points are essential for optimal plant growth during all stages.

The type of light you choose will depend on the type of plant you are growing. Blue light helps promote vegetative leafy growth while red light encourages flowering and fruiting. It is important to find a balance between these two colors when selecting the appropriate white LED for any given application.

White LEDs offer an efficient way to provide plants with enough energy across their entire life cycle from germination through maturity. By choosing the correct combination of color temperatures relative to chlorophyll absorption peaks, growers can ensure they are growing thriving plants. High-quality products designed specifically for horticulture applications should be chosen whenever possible to ensure proper spectral coverage and consistent results.

Choosing The Best Location For White LED Lights

When it comes to setting up white LED lights for growing plants, the location of these lights is just as important as selecting the right bulbs. Plant-specific lighting and LED lighting require careful consideration when deciding where to place them in order to ensure that your plants are getting the most efficient level of energy consumption.

The wavelength of light emitted from a white diode can have an effect on how well your plants will grow so it’s essential to be aware of what type of intensity you need for optimal growth. Too much intense direct light or bright light may cause damage to some plants, while too little could result in slow growth over time. 

It's important to remember that different types of plants require varying levels of light exposure. Paying attention to factors like length of exposure and placement can help maximize the potential benefits associated with using LED bulbs specifically designed for growing plants indoors.

Shop For LED Lighting Technology

If you are trying to grow your plants indoors or somewhere that lacks a substantial amount of natural light, LED grow lights are exactly what you need. Indoor grow lights ensure your plants receive all the light they need to successfully photosynthesis and develop into thriving plant systems. 

At Canada Grow Supplies, we sell a range of different types of lights so you can choose the best option for your growing needs. We are dedicated to ensuring your growing experience is as easy as possible which is why we stock a wide range of growing supplies and equipment. 

In addition to LED grow lights, we sell:

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