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Do LED Grow Lights Work?

Eric St-Cyr | 09 mars 2023 | 6 MIN READ

Lighting is one of the most important elements when it comes to keeping your plants alive and thriving. Traditional incandescent light bulbs are often used for indoor plants, but they can be expensive and inefficient. This is where LED grow lights come into play. Light-emitting diodes (LED) have been around for decades, but their application in the world of horticulture is relatively new. They offer numerous benefits over other types of lighting systems, including improved efficiency and flexibility, longer life spans, reduced heat output, and much more. 


What Are LED Grow Lights?

LED grow lights are specialized lighting fixtures that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to provide illumination for plant growth. They contain different spectrum light and can be programmed or adjusted to meet the specific needs of a particular plant species or growth stages.

These types of lights use temperature-controlled LED bulbs that can be adjusted to specific wavelengths on the light spectrum in order to provide optimal illumination for plant growth. This allows them to produce more efficient and powerful white lights than other forms of artificial light, such as fluorescent bulbs or high-intensity discharge lamps.


Different Types Of LED Grow Lights

When it comes to growing indoor plants, there are different types of LED grow lights available. They come in various colors and intensities to provide the perfect environment for your indoor garden. One type of LED grow light is blue light, which emits a cool white color with peaks in the 460-470nm range. Blue light encourages chlorophyll production and plant growth, making it ideal for vegetative stages of development. 

Red or green lights can also be used during later phases of flowering, as they stimulate flower bud formation and create lush foliage. In addition to these colored lights, other forms of lighting such as fluorescent lights and high-pressure sodium lamps can also be useful for achieving optimal results when growing plants indoors. Fluorescent bulbs emit more wavelengths than regular incandescent bulbs, but less than natural sunlight. 

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Do LED Light Work To Grow Plants?

LED lights have become increasingly popular among indoor gardeners and horticulturalists looking to provide their plants with the necessary spectrum of light for growth and development. LED technology is seen as a more energy-efficient alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs. 

When shopping for LED lighting systems, it’s important to consider factors such as light output (measured in lumens). Different light manufacturers offer different types of LED lighting solutions tailored towards various plant requirements, so reading customer reviews online might help you decide which one best meets your needs.

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Benefits Of LED Grow Lights

LED grow lights are an ideal choice for any indoor cultivation setup. This type of lighting has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness compared to other types of light setups. By using LED grow lights, you can reduce your electricity consumption while still providing optimal light for plant species.

LEDs have a number of advantages when used as part of a growth chamber or greenhouse setup. For instance, their spectrum is optimized specifically for plants so that more photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) is produced than with other forms of lighting. This leads to increased growth rates and higher yields from certain varieties of plants. 

Additionally, LEDs produce less heat than other lighting solutions, making them more economical. There are many different types of LED grow lights available on the market today, so you can customize your setup according to the specific needs of each individual plant species. 

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LED Grow Light Spectrum Explained

The main types of LED grow lights used today include high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, fluorescent tubes, and metal halide bulbs. All of these emit varying proportions of visible light, which can be important for pigment accumulation in plants and ultimately their health.

When choosing a LED system for growing plants indoors, there are several factors to consider such as the intensity of light needed by each species, along with the proportion of blue, red, yellow, and green emissions provided by the different varieties available. For example, some types of flowering plants have requirements for specific ranges in this spectrum and could experience stunted growth if they don’t receive a sufficient amount of blue or red wavelength emission from the lights. 


LED Grow Light Wattage Explained

Wattage plays a major role in the effectiveness of LED grow lights for gardeners and agriculturalists. Choosing the right watt bulbs can be an important decision, as it is directly linked to plant growth and health. In order to determine what type of light systems are best suited for your plants, you need to understand the importance of wattage when it comes to selecting the proper LED light for your needs.

To begin, let's look at the average wattage of a high-pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide bulb that is typically used to light homes and businesses. These bulbs usually have a range between 250–1000 watts, depending on the size and make of the bulb. This means that if you are looking for a signal light or "non-core" frequencies like UV or IR, you may need more than 1000 watts in order to get enough light intensity for optimal results.

The good news is that LED grow lights are available in several different wattages. So there is no need to worry about having too much or too little wattage when using these types of lights. Most models range from 20 to 200 watts, but some high-end models can reach up to 400+ watts if needed. With this wide selection, gardeners can be assured of getting exactly what their plants need without wasting energy by using overpowered bulbs in their grow rooms.


LED Grow Light Placement Tips

When it comes to planting indoors, LED grow light placement is an important consideration. Here are some key tips for effectively placing LED grow lights:

  • Light intensity: when selecting the type of LED light you want to use, consider the intensity of light that will best suit your plants’ needs. 
  • Hours of light: most plants require between 12 and 16 hours of visible light per day for optimal photosynthesis activity, with extra infrared (or yellow) light at certain times of the year.
  • Bulb type and color temperature: different types of bulbs emit different colors and temperatures that affect the amount of visible and infrared/yellow light they provide. Make sure to choose bulbs specifically designed for indoor gardening, these usually come in warm white, cool white or full spectrum.


How Long Should Plants Be Under LED Grow Lights?

A key factor in determining how long your plants should be exposed to LED grow lights depends on the type of plant you’re trying to cultivate. For leafy greens like lettuce and herbs, 8 to 10 hours a day is usually sufficient for optimal growth. However, if you're looking for thicker leaves or larger fruits and vegetables, 10 to 14 hours a day may be necessary. During this time, make sure you adjust the distance between the light source and the top of your plant's foliage as needed.

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Do LED Grow Lights Use A Lot Of Electricity?

The answer to this question depends on the amount of light you need and the type of LED grow light you have. Generally speaking, LED Lights tend to be more energy efficient than other types of active radiation, which means less electrical energy is needed for them to emit light. 

Most LED Grow Lights are extremely energy-efficient when used in a greenhouse setting or vertical farms, where there is competition for light from natural sources like sunlight. However, while LED Grow Lights can be very energy-efficient, they still require some amount of energy. That said, many modern LED Grow Light systems are equipped with features like dimmers and timers, which allow users to adjust their lighting needs while saving on energy costs.

All in all, whether LED grow lights consume a lot of electricity depends largely on the situation and the type of system used. However, when used properly and efficiently, these versatile lights can help reduce overall electricity costs.


Shop For LED Grow Lights

Get the lush, thriving garden you've always dreamed of with LED grow lights! Our lights are specifically designed to help your plants grow faster and healthier, saving you time and energy. Plus, they use energy-efficient LED technology, so you can keep your garden bright for less. With Canada Grow Supplies, you can enjoy maximum yields and the highest quality products, all year round.

Apart from LED grow lights, we sell growing equipment: 


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